These little rascals have grown so much, so quickly. They can climb stairs, and have started to eat cat food. Their individual personalities have developed over the past few weeks. There are a bit of a challenge to litter box train. Its making me a bit grouchy, but there sweet round eyes melts my grouchiness away.
I have been up to various things, but have not photo documented too much... Lots of yummy food: pea bisque with shrimp, brown sugar corn bread, more english muffins (used 1/2 whole wheat flour with great results), orange-cardamom madeleines, potato, spinach, and chive frittata, lime yogurt cake, homemade pasta. I even made two of these boats, as birthday gifts. But did not get a single photo of them.
Can you please send the adorable kitties and the yummy food to Chicago?