It still has not hit me that it is Novemeber. I have to repeatedly remind myself that October has come and gone. I have been up to lots, but have not been good about taking photos and writing about it. I want to get better at keeping up with documetning what I have been doing and thinking.
What I have been up to over the past few months: squeezed in many stand-up paddle surfing afternoons through October, lots of canning, put the vegtable garden to bed (well, almost I still need to plant garlic), expanded a parenail flower garden in the front of my house, cared for another litter of kittens (I swear there are NOT going to be anymore pregnant cats in my house), lots of baking and cooking, and have worked a ton.
I am gearing up for the holidays (winter solitce in particular)... Which treats am I going to make? What is going to be crafted? And decorations? Time will tell.
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