Thursday, February 25, 2010


The above photo has nothing to do with snow, which there is a lot of outside right now. I took it three night ago, on a walk at dusk and love the colors. It makes me feel like spring, might be here... soon?

But then, yesterday, it snowed and snowed here. It was wet and oh so heavy. I am guessing we got about a foot and a half. I got home in the afternoon to a driveway that was buried. And I mean buried. I drove up the road to turn around, reminding myself to be wise in choosing a turn around spot. Needless to say, I got stuck anyway. Not even a full minute after, a truck drove by. Stopped. And asked if I need help? Of course, I took the good Samaritan up on his offer! He pulled me out in no time at all. He also had a plow on his truck and was head in the direction of my house. So I asked, if I could pay him to plow my driveway? He agreed. When I pulled up to my house, he had already plowed. I hopped out, and thanked him profusely. He just saved me an hour of shoveling! I asked what did I owe him? He said, nothing. He likes doing good deeds. And that to spend my money wisely. I thanked him once again. Told him how grateful I was and to have a great day!

This strangers generosity put me in a great mood. I had been feeling grumpy. Earlier that afternoon, Paco, the dog I was hanging with ate more then half of the english muffins I had made.

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